Daily Dose

Great News Town, a mystery/thriller about a fictional Illinois town that is terrorized by a serial killer, opens on June 26, 1984. So on June 26, 2012, a free, serialized version of the book was launched on this Web site. Weekly installments are posted on Thursdays. Check back often.

Chapter 110

When no one answered Barb’s question, Su Le went to investigate. Perhaps she had a customer. Barb and Penny turned their attention to their projects and Aggie closed the door on the restroom.
Suddenly, Malcolm burst into the studio, his big arm wrapped around Su so her upper body almost disappeared in his grip. In the other hand, he held a small gun.  
 “Oh, my God,” Penny said.
 “What the—” Barb jumped to her feet.
 “Sit down and shut up!” Malcolm said in a gruff voice.
 “No way, you bum.” Barb lunged across the table. Malcolm tightened his grip on Su and met Barb’s forehead with his gun.
 “No, please, no!” Su said. “Just take the money and go.”
 “You! Take that tape over there and tape that bitch’s mouth shut.” Malcolm pushed Su in the direction of a roll of duct tape sitting atop the boxes of clay.  Barb locked eyes with the determined man and saw a spark of madness that made her step back.
 “I’ll be quiet,” she said.
 “Tape her mouth,” Malcolm repeated. “And her arms, too. Over here, sit over here.” He tapped the back of one of the metal folding chairs with his gun.
Su pulled a little bit of tape off the roll, then told Malcolm she needed to get the scissors. She walked to the cabinet by the back door and Malcolm followed her. When she opened the drawer a little, he yanked it from her hand and sent the contents spilling across the floor. She screamed and jumped away from him.
 “Pick up the scissors,” he said pointing to a pair in the middle of the floor. “Just don’t try anything stupid.”
 “No, no,” Su said, holding her hands up. “We not do anything stupid. You take the money now. You go.”
 “Tape up your friends first,” Malcolm said motioning with his gun.
Su did as she was told, first Barb and then Penny, a strip of tape across the mouth, a couple of  bands around the arms and the back of the chair. Penny was whimpering. 
 “We mothers,” Su said. “She has little ones. You no hurt mothers.”
 “No one’s going to get hurt if you do as I say,” Malcolm said, his voice rising.  “Now bring me the purses.”
Su picked up the two purses on the floor by Penny. Suddenly she remembered Aggie in the restroom. Her eyes caught Penny’s.
 “Bring ’em here, and that one, too.” Malcolm indicated Barb’s small purse hanging on the back of the chair.  Su took the three purses to Malcolm. Hers was in the front room, under the cash register, but maybe he wasn’t counting.
Malcolm hung the small purse over his neck and opened up one of the bigger ones.
 “Okay, let’s empty that cash register into here,” he said, handing the purse to Su. She was walking forward hesitantly to take the outstretched purse when the restroom door opened.
Lightning fast, Malcolm spun and shot toward the unexpected sound. The bullet hit Aggie smack in the middle of the splotch of green paint on her forehead. The force blew her body back into the tiny restroom.
 ‘Now, look what you made me do,” he grumbled.
What happened next seemed in slow motion, each reaction, each movement seeming separate and yet somehow all happening at once.
Penny jumped up with so much adrenalin that she fell, chair and all, across the table, sending a half-painted Christmas tree crashing to the floor.  Su took advantage of the distraction to lurch into the aisles of greenware.
 “Damn bitches,” Malcolm shouted, turning to chase after Su. His big arm reached out and grabbed her long ponytail. She screamed as he pulled her to the ground.
 “Stupid, stupid,” he said with an evil chuckle.  He yanked Su up until her face was just under his goatee and looked her in the eye.  Pulling a switchblade from his pocket, he slashed her throat with such force that he almost severed her head.
 Violence seemed to feed him like stoking a flame, and he roared with delight.  Penny was rolling helplessly about amid the soft clay pieces on the table and couldn’t see what had happened to Su, but Barb could see and started pushing herself backward in the chair, trying to get away.
Malcolm grabbed Penny by the hair.
“Look at the mess you’re making,” he chided, and slit her throat, too.
“Now, who’s going to clean this up?” he said, as he headed toward Barb.

COMING JUNE 5 -- When Josie returns from the soccer match, what will she find in the ceramic studio?