Daily Dose

Great News Town, a mystery/thriller about a fictional Illinois town that is terrorized by a serial killer, opens on June 26, 1984. So on June 26, 2012, a free, serialized version of the book was launched on this Web site. Weekly installments are posted on Thursdays. Check back often.

One Week Recap

  Congratulations, you've been following the Serial Killer Serial for one week. So far, you've met most of the staff of the Jordan Daily News and seen them in action. Josie Braun, the petite city editor (and Kevin her wise-cracking 7-year-old son); Hoss, the hefty, chain-smoking, copy desk chief; Nick, the handsome, baseball-playing reporter; Maggie, the older veteran reporter who knows everyone in town; Juan, the savvy summer intern; Page, the quiet giant photographer; Duke, the veteran columnist who's hooked on booze (and his frustrated wife Sharon.) 

But wait! What about Old Ben in the rocking chair and Natalie in the dusty car? Carl the plant manager and Tracy his sexy employee? And those cops, Scotty and Daniel? Or that couple in the parked car -- Richard Angelo and Kathy Woods -- and the piano teacher sisters, Hannah and Zoe Otis?What do they have to do with this story? Keep reading. You'll see.